Friday, 8 July 2016

A weekend off for a wedding photographer. - by going to a wedding

This weekend I shall be having a weekend off from my "day job". By attending a wedding, but this time as a guest.
Therefore what does this mean? 
  • Hair & and nails are being done
  • Makeup is being done
  • The outfit has been planned to perfection
  • Overnight bag is packed
  • And the most scary one ...... not a camera in sight
I don't know if it is strange that I am half dreading not having a camera with me, however firstly and most personally, I have been asked to be a guest therefore I should enjoy the day and "live" the moments.
Also for vanity, I cannot fit one in my handbag. I will struggle to get my phone and lipstick in there, never mind my DSLR and varying lenses.

I am just awaiting the temptation of someone leaving a camera laying around, or potentially being directly handed one by another guest to take a picture.

I did get the opportunity as my gift to take the engagement shots for the couple, however tomorrow everything will be left to another photographer.
