July Favourites:
July has been a strange month, with lots of things happening all at once and then big gaps of time with nothing. I thought why not put a short post together to let you know all about it.
Favourite place visited: This month I had a few good days out. I loved the day at Wentworth garden centre. I liked how quite it was. But I think the top day this month was the day at Donnington Formula-e. It was an interesting day with lots to do and see.
Favourite food: This month I discovered I like Pomegranate. With the warmer weather at the minute I have been enjoying lots of salads. I hate them being boring, therefore I have been trying to introduce new flavors to help keep my interest. I have now tried, Avocado, balsamic dressing and Pomegranates.
Favourite photo taken: This would be the image I took whilst at Wentworth Garden centre. I like how pretty and inviting the bench is. I know how long I was sat on it after this image was taken.
Favourite Beauty product: This would be my Jergens Ultra Healing Body Moisturizer. This was featured in the Feb Favs video. I have recently been having a hard time with excama and this cream has worked wonders to get rid of this and give me soft skin. http://youtu.be/QxZiXpJTnH0
Achievement this month: I have just finished my First Aid course. I am the nominated first aider at work and needed to fulfill the course again. I am glad to have passed, especially when this time 3 people on my course failed. I am glad I have the knowledge, however I do not want to have to use it.
General - Aim for next month:
I have been trying to do something everyday that makes me happy. I have been doing well I think with this. I want to keep this up as I can see a difference in my mood and general wellbeing. I may even do the 100 days of happiness tweets to keep track of this.
Goal for next month: I am training for my Race for life - by the end of august I want to be confident about running the full 5k at a decent pace. I would also like to have received more donations towards the cause.