Sunday, 18 January 2015

Im Going Skiing

I am very lucky to be going Skiing for my Birthday.
Today I packed my case and realised just how much stuff you take when you go away.

Looking at it I think the suitcase is as big as me, and I think about as heavy.
I must remember a coin for the trolley otherwise I will have a dead arm very quickly.

Everyone asks why I pack so early. well:

  1. I'm only a week away so this is not as early as usual
  2. I need to do the washing and get it dry - not easy over winter 
  3. I'm wearing lots of warm clothes and fleeces on a daily basis and don't want to wear something I need to take, meaning the wash cycle again.
  4. Working full time and the items I need for this holiday are quite specialist. If I have forgotten anything I still have chance to on-line order or get to my local decathlon store.
Do you think I have enough?

This will be my first ski holiday. I have had a few lessons, including one that took me to hospital with my arm. I am not great with the cold. But I am really really excited and will give it my all. 
If all else fails Ill get a lift up to the bar and have hot chocolate :-)


Friday, 16 January 2015

Dressing Table Decisions: - Help needed

Dressing Table Decisions: - Help needed.

As you may have read earlier this week I have redecorated my bedroom. I am on the look out for a dressing table set. As I am quite orderly I want a full matching set. I need storage, and organisation, any suggestions?

I am quite limited for space so the narrower the better. What do you think??

Let me know.

Nic x 

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

What have I been up to:New Bedroom Room tour

What have I been up to:New Bedroom Room tour

Hello 2015,
I know I have been quiet recently, but I guess that’s what you get for working in retail over Xmas. Well now is New Year and a new start.

I thought it was about time I share my new room. I am finally getting there and I am pretty happy with it. There is only 1 main item that I think is missing but I shall get on to this within the post.

My new room:
I decided as I am not allowed to paint to accessories with colour, I went for Duck Egg Blue. I had to invest in all new furniture, including my new bed (storage drawers underneath). I wanted the room to be minimal, uncluttered and restful.

Along the way I have added colour splashes. Including my blind and light shade, Photo frame, wall plaques and candle holder. I had a few items of this colour from my old house. The jewellery box and Me to You teddy.

I have lots of my Partylite candles around, all in Iced Snowberries of course. As well as some non-company candles. But shush don’t tell anyone.

I do want to add in a dressing table, stool and mirror. To say I work for an on-line furniture company I cannot find a set suitable for the room. I found the ideal set, but they did not have a matching stool. Therefore I am sorry I think I will have to be a traitor to the company and go on Amazon for this. I cannot wait as my old room didn't have space for this. My make-up storage is quite good now, however I want to be better, and more space will help this.

The accessories from this room are either from.

What post will be next. 
Hmmm ….. suggestions very much welcome.

Speak soon
Nic x