Dressing Table Decisions: - Help needed.
As you may have read earlier this week I have redecorated my
bedroom. I am on the look out for a dressing table set. As I am quite orderly I
want a full matching set. I need storage, and organisation, any suggestions?
I am quite limited for space so the narrower the better.
What do you think??
Argos set – on sale £89.95 http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/1476695.htm
Amazon – table only £177.94 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Alaska-Dressing-Table-Double-Beech/dp/B00DG0YMAK/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1421174255&sr=8-
Flora Furniture table and mirror £266.95 http://www.florafurniture.co.uk/browse-by-range/azure-bloom/wooden-dressing-table-console-unit-from-azure-bloom.html
Dressing table and stool £194.95 http://www.choicefurnituresuperstore.co.uk/Avon-Beech-Dressing-Table-Knee-Hole-Double-Pedestal-p539.html?gclid=CjwKEAiAodOlBRDCjr-UlJDjtVUSJABR7fxyXaEbBA1pQPxZjhMysSH_lGaEPy2lRyQ5BdHbDTmsiBoClN_w_wcB
Let me know.
Nic x
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