Tuesday, 28 April 2015

What do you do when you have a bad Day/ Week / Month / Year?

What do you do when you have a bad Day/ Week / Month / Year?
HI All,

I’ve been a bit distant recently as feel like I’ve had a lot going on in my day to day life and I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed with it all.

I know what I’m about to describe will sound petti and nonsense to some people. I set up this blog as a place for me to vent and express myself. I am the worst person in the world for bottling up my thoughts and let them keep going round and round in my mind.

I have been through a lot in the last year, I left my marriage which took a lot of person strength, set up a new home, (which has a number of flaws e.g. mould and £120 pm electric bills) Set up a new party plan business. Carried on with my existing wedding photography business. Decided it was time to look to leave my 9-5 day job.

Well to add on top of this I have been getting really anxious lately. I find myself sat staring into space not knowing whether to go get in bed and wish the day away or burst into tears. I genuinely sometimes don’t know what to say when friends ask “whats wrong”. I just feel like I constantly give everything my all and go above and beyond to make everyone else happy. I feel that I have gotten lost along the way.

I feel like I go from extreme highs to extreme lows in the flick of a switch.

e.g. I’m amazed when I secure a wedding booking, or party bookings for my candle company, win a 5 year court case, & even the odd job interview and I’m on top of the world.

Only to then get an unexpected bill, not get that job that, your party bookings cancel on you, or your friends one by one suddenly stop responding to your messages (even though you can see they have been read) and you feel like the loneliest person in the world.

Yes I know everyone has issues and that life must go on, but when you feel like you have no aims, goals or reason to persevere. What is it that I need to do to snap out of this and break the cycle?

I have been trying to think of ways to break down what do I want, and how can I measure ways to say yea I did have a good week this week.

Yes I know this is not the usual blog, but I have had so much stuff built up I was ready to explode.


Friday, 17 April 2015

1 month Diet & Exercise update

Diet and Exercise update:
Well here I am 1 month on.
To summaries.

·        I bought all the gear to go running
·        I went running 3 times a week for 2 weeks
·        I went MEGA healthy eating for 1 week
·        I limited to 1 cup of tea a day and the rest honey and lemon
·        Consciously drank lots of water
·        I dropped a dress size (in trousers)
·        I felt amazing! Alert, not hungry, happy,

·        I then was ill
·        I stopped exercise
·        Now I cannot get back on the healthy eating band wagon
·        I have a sore throat, feel really tired and run down
·        My get up and go has gone.
·        Get back into exercise (however I shall mix it up with a run and a xbox game like Zumba)
·        Next food shop – go healthy again – however I do need to give myself treats and think more about lunches at work. I have found I need a mid morning or mid afternoon boost.
·        Drink more water again (my skin was clearer)

I cannot believe how quickly I started to see results and feel better in myself. I need to find a balance between TOO healthy and fit and making it work with my lifestyle and goals.

What can you suggest?

Speak soon


Monday, 13 April 2015

Fragrance Shop - Discovery Box - Issues and Failure

Discovery box,
Well I have had a fun time getting this box.

I ordered this the first week of January, the money came out of my bank and I never heard anything. I came back off holiday and contacted the company. Ever so apologetic arranged a refund, the subscription to be cancelled and some free samples to be sent out in the post.

Great no problem, at least they have fixed it an apologised.

Roll on 3 months later £5 comes out of my bank. Contacted the company again, however this time no email back. Send another email, no email back. Then the magic of Twitter make 1 post and within 10 minutes I get a message.

They look into it, cancel it again and refund me. However they let me know the most recent box (that I didn’t order or authorise payment of) had already been shipped. I asked if I should send it back and they said no accept with our apologies.

So the box came, Nice packing, a good way to store your smaller perfumes.
With some samples that  I have not used. (I shall pass on the mens ones)
Along with money off vouchers off the full sized versions.

Would I recommend the box, 
As a perfume-a-holic yes I have found a few more perfumes to add to the collection and I like the idea of them being selected for me and posted out.

As a customer – no – as firstly it didn’t arrive, this was then supposedly fixed, then more money came out of the bank. Luckily this was only £5 however when then no one responds to you this is worrying and frustrating.

Has anyone else had this experience?


Monday, 6 April 2015

Duck Egg Blue & Grey - Bedroom accessories and additions Spring 2015

Hey everyone,

Just a quick update for a few things added to my new room this week.

Both items are from www.MelodyMaison.co.uk

I just wanted a few bits to finish off my duck egg blue and grey theme.

I needed more storage, therefore the chest will be part make up and part random stuff storage.

I also wanted somewhere for me to burn my votive candles.
This looks even more lovely when lit next to my TV.

What do you think?


Wednesday, 1 April 2015

April 2015 Primark Spring Haul

Hey everyone,

This week I did a quick holiday dash for some spring clothes for a weekend away.
Due to my recent weight loss I has no clothes suitable for this weekend that actually fit.
I only wanted essentials that I can wear in different mix and match combos.

Therefore I bought,

  • Vest tops (lemon and green)
  • Mint Green cardigan

  • Navy striped (nautical) cardigan

  • Beige cut out shoes

  • Beige and black £5 skater dress

  • Black Shape ware Swimming costume

  • 2 pastel colour scarf's

I am planning on taking black and dark blue Jeggings / skinny jeans for the day and mix the dress etc in for a meal.

As i work 5 days a week I feel I don't get change to be 'pretty' on a weekend. Therefore I wanted simple cheap items to give some colour but without too much effort.

I am loving the pastels for spring. I want to try and transfer this over to my make-up too. As I am still on my winter browns.

What do you think?
