What do you do when you
have a bad Day/ Week / Month / Year?
HI All,
I’ve been a bit distant recently as feel like I’ve had a lot
going on in my day to day life and I’ve been feeling very overwhelmed with it
I know what I’m about to describe will sound petti and nonsense
to some people. I set up this blog as a place for me to vent and express
myself. I am the worst person in the world for bottling up my thoughts and let
them keep going round and round in my mind.
I have been through a lot in the last year, I left my
marriage which took a lot of person strength, set up a new home, (which has a
number of flaws e.g. mould and £120 pm electric bills) Set up a new party plan
business. Carried on with my existing wedding photography business. Decided it
was time to look to leave my 9-5 day job.
Well to add on top of this I have been getting really
anxious lately. I find myself sat staring into space not knowing whether to go
get in bed and wish the day away or burst into tears. I genuinely sometimes don’t
know what to say when friends ask “whats wrong”. I just feel like I constantly
give everything my all and go above and beyond to make everyone else happy. I
feel that I have gotten lost along the way.
I feel like I go from extreme highs to extreme lows in the
flick of a switch.
e.g. I’m amazed when I secure a wedding booking, or party
bookings for my candle company, win a 5 year court case, & even the odd job
interview and I’m on top of the world.
Only to then get an unexpected bill, not get that job that,
your party bookings cancel on you, or your friends one by one suddenly stop
responding to your messages (even though you can see they have been read) and
you feel like the loneliest person in the world.
Yes I know everyone has issues and that life must go on, but
when you feel like you have no aims, goals or reason to persevere. What is it
that I need to do to snap out of this and break the cycle?
I have been trying to think of ways to break down what do I
want, and how can I measure ways to say yea I did have a good week this week.
Yes I know this is not the usual blog, but I have had so
much stuff built up I was ready to explode.